Traditional - En yndig og frydefuld sommertid

First performance: 08/07/2009


The song was used only once as a snippet:
2009-07-08 MCH Arena, Herning, Denmark 
Nils opens with "En yndig og frydefuld sommertid" on accordion.


This song is a Christian traditional written down by Carl Schütz in 1843. Despite the complex tune of the melody, the song is a popular folk song. The song is available in many editions
In Summer songs, the girl sings. This song can be found in almost identical editions of different titles. The lyrics and melody were first recorded by cand.theol. Carl Schütz, 1843, in Dalbyneder north of Randers. He noted six strokes and handed over to A.P. Berggreen, who recorded the song in Danish Folk Songs and Melodies, 1860 (3rd edition, 1869, is cited as the source of the University Songbook). The poem's love statement can be sung to both a woman and a man. Carl Schütz considered this "old, or in any case, as good as old," he wrote in his report. In the Jutlandian wise - apart from the place word "he" / "she" - there is no special gender indication in the poem's declaration of love. Therefore, the angle of view may vary. It can be sung by a girl to a man (as in the College Songbook) or by a man to a girl (as in a record by Evald Tang Kristensen, 1889, also from Randersegnen).

Other cover versions

Bruce on the artist


En yndig og frydefuld sommertid
1. En yndig og frydefuld sommertid
i al sin herlighed,
den glæder og trøster så mangen en,
alt ved Guds kærlighed.
Den fører blomsterskaren frem,
og rosen rød, så dejlig og sød,
den ser du da igen.

2. Blandt alle disse blommer ved jeg én,
en rose for dem alle,
udsprungen af en dejlig gren
ud af en yndig stamme.
Vel er der mange smukke til,
men jeg for sandhed sige vil:
Han overgår dem alle!

3. Ja, var jeg nu så lykkelig,
jeg kunne rosen få!
Mit hjerte brænder ret inderlig
med længsels stor attrå.
Mit hjerte ler, hver gang jeg ham ser,
og det ud af stor kærlighed
la'r ikke ro mig få.

4. Går jeg om dagen ud eller ind,
ihvor det være må,
da er du stedse i mit sind,
og natten ligeså.
Og når jeg sover sødelig,
og dig jeg drømmer lykkelig,
ret som du hos mig var.
A lovely and joyous summertime
1. A lovely and joyous summertime
in all its glory,
it pleases and comforts so many,
all by the love of God.
It brings out the flower community,
and the rose red, so lovely and sweet,
you will see it again.

2. Among all these plums I know one,
a rose for all of them,
originated from a lovely branch
out of an adorable tribe.
Well there are many beautiful ones,
but to say the truth:
He surpasses them all!

3. Yes, I was so happy now,
I could get the rose!
My heart burns quite heartily
with longing longing.
My heart laughs every time I see him,
and that out of great love
don't worry.

4. Do I go out or in during the day,
wherever it may be,
then you are always in my mind,
and night as well.
And when I sleep sweetly,
and you I dream happily,
right as you were with me.