Bruce on the artist
intro to the song :
"Thank you, thank you , we have a special guest tonight…Win and Régine from Arcade Fire …alright, this was, this was a request so we’ll see how we’ll do "
Bruce Springsteen to Steve Kandell, Spin, December 2007
"Robert De Niro said once that what he likes about acting is that he gets to step into other people’s shoes without the real-life consequences. Art does allow you to do that, to go right up to the abyss and look in, hopefully without falling in. On any given day. I feel like that’s what Arcade Fire was built to hold off, that falling in. There’s a furious aspect to the performance, and that’s why people come out — you’re recognizing the realities of people’s emotional lives and their difficulties, you’re presenting these problems, and you’re bringing a survival kit. The bands that do that forge intense, intense relationships with their audience, and to me, that was always the core of the best rock’n’roll."